Saturday, April 20, 2024

Weekly message: Don’t attribute to the person rather than to God by Rev. Katherine Liu Bruce

 Weekly message:  Don’t attribute to the person rather than to God.

 by Rev. Katherine Liu Bruce                                                                                   4/20/2024

Christian Arts Ministries: Biblical precepts & Gospel music; Pastoral ministry & Counseling

 Don’t attribute to the person rather than to God that which God performs through that person. Mary received God’s favor and fulfilled God’s redemptive plan for Israel and Gentiles by sending a Messiah who would be shepherd King. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, through incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, descended into Hades, ascended into heaven, sitteth on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. Jesus became a savior for all mankind.

Mary didn’t get the credit herself, but she gave all the credits to God for the great things He has done, by overflowing thanks and praise to God. So often among God’s people when we see someone blessed and used by God, as Mary was, we attribute to the person rather than to God that which God performs through that person. Even men of God can fall for such flattery and take credit for what God does through them. God will use us and bless us but if He does the work He must get the credit. How often we rob God by attributing to ourselves that which God does through us.

How different Mary was, when she received the favor from God. With overflowing thanks and praise she gave all the credit to God for the great things He has done. By praising and thanking God she didn’t steal the glory. What Mary did, 1) By receiving His Word, 2) By believing He would perform His Word, 3) By being utterly dependent on the present-day intervention of God, 4) By praising and thanking God and thereby giving Him all the credit for what He does.

 When Jesus appeared Himself to Saul who persecuted the church, and transformed him into Apostle Paul, Jesus became the Lord, Savior to Paul. Paul followed Jesus alone, and willingly died for Christ. Paul’s faith and belief didn’t attribute to Peter or John but attribute to Jesus alone. When Thomas saw the nail marks in His hands and touched the nail of Jesus, Thomas’ faith attributed to Jesus alone, he called “My Lord and my God”. Jesus called Peter, “Follow Me”, Peter didn’t follow another person, but his master Jesus.  

 My friends, what reason did you become Christians? Are you following Apostle Peter, John, Paul or James? I hope you will answer me, “I follow Jesus”. Jesus Christ is the only savior who can save you and forgives your sin. It’s only Jesus who can redeem you by His blood. He is the only door and gate that you can enter into the kingdom of God, the New City, New Jerusalem. Your salvation and faith in Christ, don’t attribute to your church denominations, nor attribute to the person, but rather to God and Father of our Lord, Christ Jesus. Let your heart be filled by His Life - Giving Spirit.

Revelation 22: 17 says, “The Spirit and the bride say, “Come” and let him who hears say, “come!” whoever is thirsty, let him come, and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.”  

The entire revelation of the Bible shows us the love story of a universal couple. That is, the sovereign Lord who created the universe and all things, the Triune God –the Father, the Son, and the Spirit-who went through the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, and who ultimately became the life-giving Spirit, is joined in marriage to the created, redeemed, regenerated, transformed, and glorified tripartite man-composed of spirit, soul, and body- who ultimately constitutes the church, the expression of God. In the eternity that is without end, by the divine, eternal, and surpassingly glorious life, they will live a life that is the mingling of God and man as one spirit, a life that is superexcellent and that overflows with blessings and joy.

Isaiah 54:4-5 says, “Do not be afraid, you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace, you will not be humiliated, you will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. For your Maker is your husband the Lord Almighty is His name- the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; He is called the God of all the earth.” (Isa.54:4-5). You and I are called “Bride of Christ, the body of Christ, the church, and the Maker is your husband the Lord Almighty is His name. Therefore, fix your eyes on Jesus, put your hope in Christ, all things we have accomplished to God be the glory and attribute to God alone rather than to the person.


Lord, invade every part of my life with your fulfilling mercies. Show me how I can be used to advance your plan for your kingdom. I praise you for sending a Savior, for remembering your promises, for blessing me and I ask you to make me more and more fruitful to you. Thank you for Mary’s example and for her Spirit of praise. Let me glorify you too.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Weekly Message: Who are the two Beasts Antichrist and False Prophet? Discover the mystery of Revelation Chap.13 &17 By Rev.Katherine Liu Bruce

Weekly Message: Who are the two Beasts Antichrist and False Prophet? Discover the mystery of Revelation Chap.13 &17                                                

By Rev.Katherine Liu Bruce                                                                                      4/10/2024

Christian Arts Ministries: Biblical precepts & Gospel music; Pastoral ministry & counseling

Ø  The angel of the abyss his name in Hebrew Abaddon means destruction, in Greek name Apollyon means destroyer  

 Who is Antichrist? According to the book of Revelation 9:11 Apostle John unveils the vision, “the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon; and in Greek he has the name Apollyon. (Rev.9:11). The abyss is the dwelling place of the demons (Luke8:3). The angel of the abyss is the beast Antichrist, who will come out of the pit of the abyss. The Hebrew word means destruction; it is used also in Job26:6; 28:22. The Greek word means destroyer. As the destroyer, Antichrist will do much destroying (Dan.8:23-25). In the first woe, the woe of the fifth trumpet, Satan falls from heaven to earth and Antichrist comes up from the abyss, and the two works together to torment man. Since it is at the fifth trumpet that Satan falls from heaven to damage the earth and persecute the people of God for three and a half years (Rev.12:10, 12-17,6) and since it is at the same time (the last three and a half years) that Antichrist comes up out of the abyss to collaborate with Satan to torment people, persecute the saints, and blaspheme God (Rev.13:5-7;11:7)

Ø  Two Beasts, one out of sea is Antichrist, one Beast out of the Earth is the false prophet

1)      The first Beast out of sea is Antichrist

 Revelation Chapter 13:1 John says, “And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns ten diadems, and on his heads names of blasphemy …and the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority.” (Rev.13:1-2). The beast coming up out of the sea, the sea here is the Mediterranean Sea, out of which Antichrist will come. In Revelation 9:11, Rev.11:7 and Rev.17:8 we are told that Antichrist will come up out of the abyss, Here Rev.13:1 we are told that he will come up out of the sea, as is mentioned also in Dan.7:3. This indicates that Antichrist will come from two sources. His spirit, which exists in the abyss before he is born, will come up out of the abyss. His body will come from one of the Gentile nations around the Mediterranean Sea. In biblical figure, the land signifies the nation of Israel and the sea signifies the Gentile nations (Rev.17:15; Isa.57:20). That Antichrist will come up out of both the abyss and the sea may indicate also that the sea is the mouth of the abyss, because the abyss is in the heart of the earth. (Rom.10:7; Matt.12:40) and the sea is above the earth.

The ten horns and seven heads of the beast are those of the dragon (Rev.12:3). This indicates that the beast is one with the dragon. The ten horns are the ten coming kings (Rev.17:12;  Den.7:24); the seven heads are the seven Caesars (Rev.17:10). The Ten horns correspond with the ten toes of the great image mentioned in Dan.2:42-44. The word here indicates that the Roman Empire, Antichrist, and the ten kings are one with Satan. The seven Caesars symbolized by the seven heads of the beast claimed deity and called for their people to worship them as gods. That was truly a blasphemy against God.

 The beast, Antichrist, is like a leopard, and his feet like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. According to Dan.7:4-6 the leopard, which is characterized by swift and cruel movement, was the symbol of Alexander the Great, the king of Greece. The bear, characterized by its destroying feet, was the symbol of the monarchy of Medo- Persia. The lion, characterized by its devouring mouth, was a symbol of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. Since Antichrist, the beast, is like these three, he will have all their characteristics, as mentioned in Dan.7:4-7. He is the totality of all the evil powers in human history. That the dragon gives his power, his throne, and great authority to the beast indicates that he makes the beast one with him so that on behalf of the dragon the beast can resist God and persecute God’s people on the earth. 

 Rev.13:3 mentions about one of his heads refers to one of the Caesars, who will be slain and resuscitated. His death stroke was healed means that the Caesar will be resuscitated from death.(Rev. 17:11) Because of this the whole earth will marvel and follow after him.

 Rev.13:5 indicates the forty-two months here and in 11:2 are the three and a half years in 12:14, and are also the one thousand two hundred and sixty days in 11:3 and 12:6, the time of the great tribulation (Matt.24:21). At the end of this age Antichrist will make a seven year covenant with the nation of Israel. Three and a half years after the covenant is made, he will break it, terminate all the Jewish worship and service to God (Dan.9:27), persecute the saints (v.7), and destroy the holy city (11:2) for three and a half years.

The saints in the Rev.13:7 here constitute the rest of the woman’s seed mentioned in 12:17, which consists of the Jews, who keep God’s commandments, and the believers, who bear the testimony for Christ. This proves that in the great tribulation there will still be believers on the earth who are not yet raptured.

2)      The second beast out of the Earth---the false prophet (Rev.13:11)

 This other beast will come up out of the earth, since the earth, the land, signifies the nations of Israel, this other beast, the false prophet, will come out of the Jews. This one may be Judas Iscariot (John6:70-71), because after Judas died, he went to his own place (Acts1:25), not to his people as others did (Gen.25:17; 35:29). Geographically, this false prophet will come up out of the earth, and figuratively, he will come out of the Jews. The false prophet looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon that he appears to be a lamb but speaks like the dragon, Satan, indicates his falsity.  The false prophet will employ satanic power to perform great signs, such as calling down fire out of heaven as Elijah did (1Kings18:36-38), thus it will be difficult for people to distinguish the real prophets from the false prophet.

Rev.13:15-18 the number of the beast 666 is the number of a man Caesar Nero.  

 No idol made by man has ever been able to speak, but this last idol will be enabled to speak as a living image. This surely will be a marvelous sign to those who dwell on the earth, and will cause them all to worship the idol. The number of the beast is the number of a man. This man is Caesar Nero, who is the coming Antichrist. (17:8,10,11) Because the book of Revelation was written during the time of the Roman Empire, John did not mention the name of Nero but indicated it with a number. Therefore, wisdom is needed to understand.

 The number represented by the Hebrew letter of the name Caesar Nero is 666 as follows:

Greek   Hebrew               Greek   Hebrew 

          נ             50          Kαι     ק                     100

   ρ       ד             200           σα       כ                     60

   ω       ז                6              ρ         ד                  200

     ν     נ                50                                              ---

                           306               +                        360    =   666 

Revelation 17:8 mentions about the beast who is Antichrist, was in the person of Caesar Nero before John wrote this book. He is not at the time of John’s writing, because Nero had died by that time. That he is about to come up out of the abyss implies that Nero’s spirit is now in the abyss and is about to emerge from it to take possession of the body of the slain and resuscitated Antichrist, as indicated in Rev.13:3.

 Revelation 17:10 indicates that seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain only a short time. And the beast who was and is not, he himself is also the eighth and is out of the seven and goes into perdition.

Revelation 17:11 mentions about the seven kings are seven Caesars of the Roman Empire. The first five heave fallen; they died unnaturally (Judg.3:25;2 Sam.1:10,25,27). Those five are Julius Caesar, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero, all of whom either were murdered or committed suicide before John wrote this book. The sixth, Domitian, who was also murdered, was living when this book was written; therefore, it is said “of him that he is”, “The other”, the seventh, is Antichrist; he had not yet come at that time. When he comes, he will remain only a short time and then will be slain and will be resuscitated by the spirit of the fifth, who is Nero, to become the eighth.

 Antichrist will be the coming seventh Caesar. But he is also the eighth Caesar. According to 13:3, Antichrist will be slain and resuscitated. In that resuscitation the spirit of Nero (the fifth Caesar), which will come up out of the abyss (when Satan is cast down to the earth -12:10,13), will animate and resuscitate the dead body of the seventh Caesar, Antichrist, thereby imitating the resurrection of Christ. This one, composed of the fifth and seventh Caesars, is the eighth. Hence, he is “out of the seven,” having the body of the seventh and the spirit of the fifth. Therefore, he will be all the more capable, all the more intelligent, and all the more powerful to charm; deceive, and allure people, capturing those who do not believe in Christ. It is no wonder that people will marvel at the sight of such an extraordinary person and will follow him.

              Rev.17:12 the ten kings will be raised up in the revived Roman Empire before the great tribulation. They will be one with Antichrist in opposing God and persecuting His people the Jews and the believers. These ten kings are likened to the ten toes of the great image seen by Nebuchadnezzar in his dream (Dan.2:42). They will submit themselves and their kingdom to Antichrist (17:17).

Caesars of the Roman Empire kings as follows:

Julius Caesar 49BC-44 BC,  Augustus 27 BC-14 AD, Tiberius 14-37 AD, Caligula 37-41 AD, 

Claudius 37-54AD,  Nero 54-68 AD, Galba 68AD-69AD,  Otho 69AD, Vitellius 69AD, 

Vespasian 69-79AD, Titus 69AD-81AD, Domitian 81-96AD,Nerva 96-98AD, Trajan 98-11AD,

Hadrian 117-138AD,Antoninus Pius 138-161AD,  Marcus Aurelius 161-180AD, Commodus



 In this generation, may God continue unveiling His mystery in the book of Revelation, who is the beast Antichrist? The number eighth mentions in the Revelation 13:1-3? Antichrist will be slain and resuscitated. In that resuscitation the spirit of Nero (the fifth Caesar), which will come up out of the abyss will animate and resuscitate the dead body of the seventh Caesar, Antichrist, thereby imitating the resurrection of Christ. This one, composed of the fifth and seventh Caesars, is the eighth. Therefore, he is “out of the seven,” having the body of the seventh and the spirit of the fifth.




  King James, The Holy Bible, Cleveland, OH: The world publishing company


  Ryrie, Charles C. The Ryrie study Bible (NIV).Chicago, IL: The Moody Bible Institute, 1986.


  Lee, Witness. The New Testament (R.V.) Anaheim, CA: Living Stream Ministry, 1985.