Thursday, June 15, 2017

Biblical precepts of prosperity by Rev.Katherine Liu Bruce

Biblical precepts of prosperity  by Rev. Katherine Liu Bruce 
Christian Arts Ministries: Biblical Precepts & Gospel Music
 My friends, what is your hope in Christ? What is your expectation of believing in Jesus? In this era, a lot of people seek prosperity and replace Jesus with money, man’s power, social status, and earthly riches.   Are you seeking “Jesus” my friends? As Apostle Peter said, “Silver, gold, I don’t have, what I have is Jesus. how many disciples in this Ear, stumble in the earthly wealth, riches, money and misinterpreted the hope of Jesus. We need to re-educate our new generation, fix our eyes on true resource and true provider –Jesus instead of money.
Biblical precepts of salvation: Without money, you will be redeemed  
Living in this generation, many Christian families and couples in their church life often had quarrels and conflicts because of misunderstanding the concept of prosperity or misinterpreting the biblical prosperity, it results “Jesus”, “eternal life”, “salvation” are replaced by the money and earthly wealth. It takes time to re-educate people that salvation through the redemption of Christ Jesus is free,   without money we can be saved and receive the salvation. We are saved by the grace of God, through the garment of Jesus Christ, we, sinners, are justified by faith. In Old Testament Isaiah 52:3 indicates, “You were sold for nothing, and without money, you will be redeemed.” 
 The Biblical precepts of prosperity is not indicated earthly wealth, riches, money in the bank account alone, the prosperity can be rich in moral, ethical, characteristic and the good deeds of Christ, such as fruits of spiritual: gentleness, kindness, love, endurance, patience, forgiveness, compassion, humility, reverence for the Lord with sincerity of heart. 
In New Testament, Jesus as Son of God, he demonstrated the wisdom and integrity dialogues. He put His enemy in silence when His enemy intended to set a trap for Jesus to fall. It was Jesus put the coin in the fish, and instructed disciples to pick it up, then, give the coin to Caesar. But, what is belong to God, give back to God.
There are three factors to gain the wealth:
a)      Fundamental realization: God is the true provider, for the great creator owns it all.
b)      Obedience awareness:  to get the coin, it requires disciples listen and obey Jesus’ instruction, and get right direction to pick up the coin.
c)      Right purpose of using money: Jesus instructed disciples to pick it up the coin from fish in order to pay the tax, and ceased His enemy who intended to set a trap for Him to fall. He also pointed out, what belongs to God; people shall give back to God. Wisely use the money for the purpose will cease the unexpected crisis.
 In this era, the majorities of people stumble and fall, because their life worries, riches, and pleasures, it resulted the words of God are choked and cannot grow mature. To produce a crop, it requires good soil, a noble and good heart. And who hear the word, retain it and by persevering. In God’s timing, it will produce a crop. (Luke 8:14-15).  Unfortunately, many people seek Jesus and hear the word of God with joy, when they hear it, but when the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, they may not believe and be saved. Or when there is the time of testing they fall away.(Luke8:11-13). Therefore, many Christian’s families failed to trust the word of God and stumbled in their church life.  
My friends, does “Jesus” are replaced by the money or earthly wealth in your Christian life? Does biblical prosperity make sense in your Christian life? Do you remind yourself the salvation that Jesus had provided for you 2000 years ago is free ?and without money, you are redeemed.
First, in order to reduce the conflicts of Christian families’ life, because of the wrong concept of prosperity or misinterpreting the biblical prosperity, it results “Jesus”, “eternal life”, “salvation” are replaced by the money and earthly wealth. We need to re-educate people that “salvation” through the redemption of Christ Jesus is free, without money we can be saved and receive the salvation. (Isa.52:3)
Second, the biblical precepts of prosperity not alone indicate earthly wealth, and riches. Biblical precepts of prosperity can be rich in faith, moral, ethical, characteristic and the good deeds of Christ, such as fruits of spiritual: gentleness, kindness, love, endurance, patience, forgiveness, compassion, humility, and reverence for the Lord with sincerity of heart.
Third, to create the sense of biblical precepts of prosperity and the right motivation to pursue the wealth are significant. Jesus’ pattern unveils the three factors to gain the wealth:  1) Fundamental realization: Jesus is the true provider. 2) Obedience awareness: we need carefully listen to his word and guidance. 3) Right motivation and purpose of using the money.

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