Sunday, July 31, 2022

Weekly message: God uses suffering to purify righteous (Job 1-20) Rev. Katherine Liu Bruce

Weekly message: God uses suffering to purify righteous (Job 1-20)

Rev. Katherine Liu Bruce

Christian Arts Ministries: Biblical precepts & Gospel music; Pastoral ministry & Counseling


What is the reason and the purpose for Job’s suffering  ?

 The book of Job wrestles with the age-old question: Why do righteous men suffer, if God is a God of love and mercy? It clearly teaches the sovereignty of God and the need for man to acknowledge such. Job’s three friends gave essentially the same answer: all suffering is due to sin. Elihu, however, declared that suffering is often the means of purifying the righteous. God’s purpose, therefore, was to strip away all of Job’s self-righteousness and to bring him to the place of complete trust in Him.

Recognizing Satan’s test; the Definition of Satan  

Satan’s name means “adversary” characterizing his basic nature, which is to oppose God’s person, His plan and His people. It is clear from this passage that Satan is a person, not just an evil influence. Consistently, throughout Scripture Satan is presented as both a real person and a spirit being.

 (1) He conversed with the Lord, which requires intellect.

(2) He was antagonistic toward Job (vv.9-110, showing that he has emotions.

(3) He purposed to destroy Job and disgrace God (1:11;2:4-5,7), therefore demonstrating Satan has a will.

(4)    Satan’s activities, however, are limited by the sovereign control of God (1:12;2:6).

Satan’s first attack to Job

       First was against Job’s possessions. It was designed to expose Job’s true motives for serving God, which Satan contended were selfish. This test took place only after God gave Satan permission to try Job.

       Job recognized God’s hand in his affairs and evidenced a proper attitude toward his possessions. They were a gracious gift from God, not things he had earned and therefore had a right to keep.

       Therefore he said,


Satan’s second test to Job

       Second test was against Job’s person.  “Skin for skin”.

       Job’s condition was characterized by several symptoms. The skin covering his entire body was affected(v.7),

       His skin itched intensely (v.8), and he was in acute pain (v.13).

       His flesh attracted worms and became crusty and hard (7:5). It oozed serum and turned darker in color (7:5;30: 30).

       Job also experienced fever and aching bones (30:17:30). He may have had elephantiasis or leukemia of the skin.

       The good will of God included physical suffering for Job at this time, as it does for many today.

The dialogues with Job; Job’s lament

       In it Job says some things that move his friends to break their long silence and suggest to him why he may be suffering.

        Job speaks out of great physical and mental anguish. His own basic presupposition, that God always blesses the righteous and afflicts the wicked, has proven faulty. If he judges by his experience, he must conclude that his theology is wrong, for he cannot put what he believes to be true of God together with what is happening to him.

       Though at times Job reacts with hostility, he always turns back to God. Much of what he says later is exaggerated, untrue, and virtually blasphemous, but he never renounces God.

Eliphaz’s speech


Bildad’s speech

Job’s prayer

Job’s faith and hope is in the Lord

 Implication/Application of Job chapter 1- 20

1)              1) God use suffering to purify us and self-righteousness.

2)      We need to recognize God’s purpose.

3)      Submitting to God’s affliction in meekness.

4)      Repentance of sins, ask God search our hearts, whether there is sin.

5)      Have faith in God, our redeemer living, he wounds, he also bind up, He injures, he also heals. 

Invitation for repentance and search your hearts

 My friends, may the Lord our God searches you, and knows your heart, cleanses you, comforts you,

 vindicates for you. As a hymn named, " Cleanse Me" we sing today, it says, 

1)  Search me, O God, and know my heart today; try me, O Savior , know my thoughts I pray.

See if there be some wicked way in me' cleanse me from every sin, and set me free.

2) I praise Thee, Lord, for cleansing me from sin; fulfill Thy Word, and make me pure within.

Fill me with fire, were once I burned with shame; Grant my desire to magnify Thy name.

3) Lord, take my life, and make it wholly Thine; Fill my poor heart with Thy great love divine. 

Take  all my will, my passion, self, and pride; I now surrender, Lord in me abide.

4) O Holy Ghost, revival comes from Thee; send a revival, start the work in me.

Thy Word declares Thou wilt supply our need; For blessings now, O Lord, I humbly plead.

             May God Father and our Lord Jesus Christ search your hearts, pardons and cleanses your

 sins. He wounds, He also binds up, He injures, but His hands also heals. Learn from Job, kept faith

 in God. In God's timing He will vindicate for you. 

           There are four characteristic that in God's eyesight about Job, he is a righteous man,

 blameless, upright, fear God and shun evil.  Therefore, the Lord protected his life from Satan, 

vindicated for him,  and restored his life from illness and blessed him abundantly provision after

 Satan's test. In Christian's life journey, we will not free from suffering, we will also face 

Satan's attack and test, as Jesus was tested by Satan after his 40 days fasting. Be aware of Satan's 

scheme, reject him, and shun evil, don't be deceived nor be led into disgrace, and shameful sins.

 keep practicing integrity, upright, reverence before God and fear God. 


        Ryrie, Charles C. The Ryrie study Bible (NIV).Chicago, IL: The Moody Bible Institute, 1986 

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