Friday, December 30, 2022

Message : look back at the end of year 2022 by Rev.Katherine Liu Bruce

 Message: look back at the end of year 2022                                      Date: Dec. 30,2022

by Rev. Katherine Liu Bruce  

 Christian Arts Ministries : Biblical precepts & Gospel music; Pastoral ministry & counseling   

Theme: Leave the irreparable past in God’s hands; step out into the irresistible future with God.

At the end of year 2022, I look back from Oct. 2021 to Oct. 2022, I had accomplished the Bible in one year reading, studying, and sharing. Each morning, I humbly bowed down to pray for new vision, guidance, interpretation of the Bible, it took God’s divine power to strengthen me to complete this task, and shared with my husband as morning devotion, then, posted on my Biblical precepts blog. Thank God for His divine strength. God is the God of our yesterdays, and He allows the memory of them in order to turn the past into a ministry of spiritual culture for the future.

During 2022, as Floridians, we faced an economic inflation crisis, the prices of groceries, gas, property insurance and rental cost rose up to the highest level, baby products shortage, and hurricane landfall resulted in many properties damaged. Many things appeared to be unusual, unscriptural, unlawfulness such as same sex marriage protection had signed into bill by the president Biden.     

As Christians, saints, believers and ministers, at each stage of our life, we need to make sure that God is with us, and the God of Israel will go before us.  We shall not go out with haste. As we go forth into the coming year 2023, let us not be in the haste of impetuous, nor with the flight of impulsive thoughtlessness, but with the patient power of knowing that the God of Israel will go before us.

            Our yesterdays present irreparable things to us; it is true that we have lost opportunities which will never return, but God can transform this destructive anxiety into a constructive thoughtfulness for the future. Let the past sleep, but let it sleep on the bosom of Christ. Leave the irreparable past in His hands, and step out into the irresistible future with God. For the Lord will go before you, This is a gracious revelation that God will defend and guard where we have failed to. When we stand firm, be still, believe, trust, and be patient, wait upon the Lord, the God of Israel will be our rearward.


      Chambers, Oswald. “My utmost for His highest”. NY: DODD, MEAD & Company, Inc.1935.

Message: The holy interventions to Mary and Joseph, God gained all the credits By Rev.Katherine Liu Bruce

 Message: The holy intervention to Mary and Joseph, God gained all the credits.  

 By Rev.Katherine Liu Bruce                                                                                                           Christian Arts Ministries: Biblical precepts & Gospel music; Pastoral ministry & counseling

 Date: 12/30/2022

The blessing of God that came into Mary and Joseph’s life, He wants to bless us mightily and do great thing s for us. It is matter of our obedience and response of faith so that God can fulfill His Word in our life. Our part is to turn to Him, call on Him and believe that God will act in His part, and we shall depend on the merciful interventions of God in our life; ultimately, God gains the glory.

            Mary attributed her blessing to the greatness and goodness of God.  Mary acted and responded in the manner of humble and obedience, when the angel of Lord appeared to her, and had favor upon her. She responded, “He who is mighty has done great things for me and holy is His name.”  Her attitude was humble and obedience, with overflowing thanks, and praise, she gave all the credit to God for the great things He has done. By praising and thanking God she didn’t steal the glory.

         So often, among God’s people when we see someone blessed and used by God, as Mary and Joseph were, we attribute to the person rather than to God that which God performs through that person. Even men of God can fall for such flattery and take credit for what God does through them. God will use us and bless us but if He does the work He must get the credit. How often we rob God by attributing to ourselves that which God does through us.

My friends, Mary and Joseph, a godly couple laid a good example to us, how to respond to the interventions of God?  First, by receiving God’s Word and His promise; second, by believing no Words are perceived by His mouth return in vain or empty, God will perform, and fulfill His promises soon or later, it is matter of time. Third, by being utterly dependent on the present intervention of God. Fourth, by praising and thanking God and thereby giving Him all the credit for what He does.   

 Let us pray,

        Lord, invade every part of my life with thy fulfilling mercies. Show me how I can be used to advance thy plan for thy kingdom. I praise Thee for sending a Savior, for remembering thy promises, for blessing me and I ask Thee to make me more and more fruitful to Thee. Thank you for Mary and Joseph’s example. Let me and my household glorify Thee as well as Mary’s spirit of praise.   

Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Vision of the Lord - A Greek word “ Ʃ ” by Rev. Katherine Liu Bruce

 The Vision of the Lord  -   A Greek word “ Ʃ ”                                                        12/8/2022                                                                                   

by Rev. Katherine Liu Bruce   Christian Arts Ministries

        The Lord unveils His vision each new day. A Greek word “ Ʃ ” was written by the hand of God on the sky in Florida today. I believe that God unveils his vision and talks to me every day.  

    In Greek “ Ʃ ” reminds me about Ʃαβαωθ  (Sabaoth)  means Almighty (of Hosts). A Greek transliteration of the Hebrew work 7372 “Armies, hosts” This title has the associative meaning of power and potent authority, and pictures the Lord as a great, powerful, supreme general: Almighty. 

      Another Greek word,  Σαλημ  (Salem) Salem means “Peace”.  And Σαλωμη Salome means peaceful, prosperous one”. 

     While I saw this word on the sky this morning,, I started to sing, “I love the Lord, and I lift my voice to worship you all my soul rejoice, rejoice!  My king in what you hear, may it be sweet, sweet song in your ears.” I believe the Lord, my God, Jesus Christ, His presence is every day, He is Emanuel, and He unveils Himself to those who believe in Him, seek Him, love Him, and devote to Him wholeheartedly.