Weekly message: What is the abundant life?
By Rev.Katherine Liu Bruce
Christian Arts Ministries: Biblical precepts
&Gospel music, Pastoral ministry & Counseling
Ø The abundant life is a
Spirit-filled life
The Holy Spirit indwells every believer.
You may be immature, weak and imperfect; but if you have been born again of the
Spirit. He dwells in you. It is one thing for you to have the Holy Spirit
dwelling in you, but does the Holy Spirit have you, that He may fill you with
the abundant life? Ephesians 5:18-20
says, “But be filled with the Spirit,
Speaking to yourselves in psalms, and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and
making melody in your heart to the Lord. Giving thanks always for all things
unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
(Eph.5:18-20) To be filled in our Spirit with Christ, with the fullness of God,
causes us to overflow with Christ in speaking, singing, Psalming and giving thanks to God and also causes us to
subject ourselves to one another which are not only the outflow of being filled
in spirit but also the way to be filled in spirit.
Ø The abundant life is not
found in environment or circumstances, or in the things you may possess.
According to Eph.5:18,
the abundant life is not found in environment, or in the things you may possess,
it is found in the infilling of the Holy Spirit. For Eph.5:18 say, “Be filled with the Spirit” is a command. You may be filled many,
many times. The apostles that were filled in Acts chapter2 were filled again in
Acts chapter 4. To
be filled with the Holy Spirit is to be Spirit-possessed, Spirit-empowered,
Spirit-led, and Spirit –controlled. You are filled with the Spirit for service. You are filled with the Spirit for power to be a witness. You are filled with the
Spirit for the hour of persecution. You are
filled with the Spirit that you may walk in the Spirit.
You are filled with the Spirit that you may be
led by the Spirit.
Ø How can you be filled the
Holy Spirit?
By speaking to yourselves in psalms, and hymns
and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ.” (Eph.5:19-20). First,
you must desire Him to fill you. Second,
you must ask Him to fill you. Third, you must believe that He does fill you.
Ø Abundant life is mature
Abundant life is mature life, as 2 Peter 3:18 says, “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2Peter3:18). The Scriptures reveal
four stages of spiritual growth in the Christian life.
- The baby stage. (1 Cor.3:1-4).A baby thinks only of self; and , if denied the things desired, it will raise a rumpus. It seeks its own; its feelings are easily hurt and it is often jealous. A baby lives to be served it never serves. It drinks milk, and cannot eat strong meat. It cries, but never sings. It tries to talk, but never makes sense. These infant characteristics are so prominent in the lives of many church members. They have been born into the family of God, but have failed to develop spiritually. They are spiritual babies –carnal Christians.
- The
little child stage. (1 John2:12)Some Christians grow to be little children
spiritually, but stop there. Here are some of the characteristics of children:
they are often untruthful, envious, and cruel. If rebuked, they become martyrs;
if crossed, they are resentful and often make a scene. They are talebearers,
repeating everything they hear (in adults it is called gossip). They are given
to emotional outbursts, and are easily puffed up. They love praise, and will
accept it from any source. They seek only the things that appeal to self.
- The young man stage.(1John2:13) Spiritual growth to that of a young man is not reached by many. He is strong and virile and is well able to overcome his enemy. He has a vision for the future and the faith and courage to tackle it. He is preparing for his productive years. You, too, can become a young man spiritually by putting away childish things. And grow.
- The father stage (1 John2:13). This stage of spiritual development can be reached by all, but so few ever attain it. The Spiritual father has peace with God. He knows the peace of God. He rejoices in his spiritual children. He has learned contentment under all circumstances. He knows the only source of true strength. He does not brood over the past, but looks to the future. He knows that all things work together in his life for his eternal good. He enjoys abundant life now and will enjoy it in the life to come.
What is the abundant life?
The abundant
life is not found in environment or circumstances, or in the things you may
possess. It is found in the infilling of the Holy Spirit. As Eph.5:18 say, “Be filled with the Spirit” is a command. To be filled with the
Holy Spirit is to be Spirit-possessed, Spirit-empowered, Spirit-led, and Spirit
–controlled. Abundant life is mature life;
He is strong and virile and is well able to overcome his enemy. He has a vision
for the future and the faith and courage to tackle it. He is preparing for his
productive years. The Spiritual father has peace with God and rejoices in his
spiritual children. He has learned contentment under all circumstances. He
knows the only source of true strength. He does not brood over the past, but
looks to the future. He knows that all things work together in his life for his
eternal good. He enjoys abundant life now and will enjoy it in the life to come.
King James, The Holy
Bible, Cleveland, OH: The world publishing company
Lee, Witness. The
New Testament (R.V.) Anaheim, CA: Living Stream Ministry, 1985.
Ryrie, Charles
C. The Ryrie study Bible (NIV).Chicago, IL: The Moody Bible
Institute, 1986
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