Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Third phenomenon of Christology- Gift of Forgiveness by Rev. Katherine Liu Bruce

The third phenomenon of Christology is to develop the gift of forgiveness. Christology lights up the phenomenon of forgiveness through the Jesus’ crucifixion. The greatest divine power and healing comes from the gift of forgiveness, it convicted Judas’ betrayal sins, it healed the Malchus’ ear, it restored Peter as disciple, and it vindicated Jesus as Son of God. (By Rev. Katherine Liu Bruce2015)

The third phenomenon of Christology is to develop “the gift of forgiveness”. Christology lights up the phenomenon of forgiveness through the Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. The greatest divine power and healing comes from the gift of forgiveness, it convicted Judas’ betrayal sins, it healed the Malchus’ ear, it restored Peter as disciple and it vindicated Jesus as Son of God.  In Greek literary interpretation ἄφεσις (aphesis) means “forgiveness” or “pardon”, or of sins “letting go as if they had never been committed” or “release from bondage”, or  “remission of the penalty”. In English literary interpretation forgiveness means “to give up resentment of”. In Chinese literary views “”(se' mianˇ) means “原諒”(yuaň̌ lianˋ). Jesus’ lecture and experiment developed the phenomenon characteristic of Christology which is forgiveness. The greatest divine power and healing comes from the gift of forgiveness. It is the greatest medicine to heal the sickness and restores the weary and hurting heart. The gift of forgiveness convicted Judas’ betrayal sins, healed the Malchus’ ear, and restored Peter as disciple, most important, it vindicated Jesus as Son of God.
Jesus faced Judas who betrayed him for thirty pieces of silver, Jesus neither rebuked him nor fled, he pardoned him by said, “Do what you came for, friend” (Matt.26:50).When Peter used a sword, struck the high priest’s slave named Malchus and cut off his right ear, instead of pleased what Peter did, Jesus rebuked him, “put your sword back into its sheath. Am I not to drink the cup that the Father has given me?”(John18:11) then, he healed Malchus’ ear miraculously.
 The most trustworthy disciple Peter who explicitly denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed twice, “I do not know this man you’re talking about.” (Mark14:71-72). When Jesus was falsely condemned, assaulted, and stuck by the guards. Jesus looked at his favorite disciple painfully, yet, he pardoned Peter’s denial behavior. Jesus appeared to him again after His resurrection, to restore Peter’s faith and assigned him to be faithful servant and feed His sheep. (John21:17).   
Jesus faced His persecutor only rebuked him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecute me?” being the suffering Messiah, Christ Jesus not only forgave Saul, also healed his blind eyes, restored his vision, and trained him to be disciple in order to proclaim the good news. These historical narrative developed Christianity a phenomenon ritual which is “forgiveness”, “ἄφεσις”, “”.
Christology lights up the phenomenon of forgiveness through the Jesus’ crucifixion. Jesus had gone through the cruelest physical abused and tortured by the soldiers, rejected by Jews, betrayed by His own disciples, falsely condemned by authorities and forsake by God in the last hour. He cried out aloud anguished voice: “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt.27:46).  Before Jesus gave up his spirit in the final hour, he didn’t hold hatred against those who were abusers and killers, he pardoned their sins by said, “Father, forgive them. For they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke23:34), “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”(Luke23:46). The powerful gift of forgiveness vindicated Jesus as Son of God. At the moment of his death, an earthquake spit open stone tombs around Jerusalem. (Matt.27:52) And in the temple Jerusalem, the curtain that separated off the Holy of Holies was torn in two. Jesus experienced the moment of forsakenness; yet, his forgiveness and sacrificial love regained the eternal hope for all mankind, and exposed undeniable evidence that God raised him from death in the third days, which vindicated that Jesus is Christ -God’s Messiah.    
The third phenomenon of Christology- “the gift of forgiveness” does applicable to this new generation regardless Jews or Gentiles. For we all may have been through the same experiment (or scenarios) as Jesus that our love one, or trustworthy followers betrayed us, or we may be falsely condemned, or assaulted, or abused by the authorities. Jesus’ lecture clearly instructs us that if there is a brother who sin against us, we shall forgive him not only seven times, but seventy seven times. It may not easy to let go all the hurts, pains or resentment, but by the powerful prayers and fasting, the divine light will empower us and reminds us, “God is love…”, “…love never record the wrong that have been done... always protect, always hope, always trust, always preserve, love endures forever.” (1Cor.13:4-7). In another word, the word of God will penetrate our soul and spirit to act spiritually rather than flesh. When there is no any medicine in this world can cease our pains and hurts, perhaps we need the gift of forgiveness. The gift of forgiveness may ease our pains. To restore peaceful mind, calm our heart, relieve from resentment, try to apply the gift of forgiveness into our daily life, and learn from suffering Messiah Jesus Christ to pardon those mockers, abusers and killers. Letting go all the bondage of sins as if they had never been committed, for Jesus had carried it all for us 2000 years ago, and we carry it no more. Each hurt, let God vindicates for us in His divine time, as Roman 12:20 says, “If your enemy is hungry, feed him, if he is thirsty, give him something to drink, in doing this, you will heap burning coats on his head.” (Rom.12:20). “If it is possible as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, but leave room for God’s wrath for it is written: it is mine to avenge: I will repay.” (Rom.12:18-19). This made Christology phenomenon and lead this new era in to Jesus’ ritual and to be called sons of God. 

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